Title Page and Headings

Title Page

General Information:

A Title Page is created once the occasion and name of the person(s) has been submitted. This Title Page may be altered at any point in the gift book process. You have the choice to change the title itself, add a date, and/or upload one photo or graphic for display.

Change your Title Page:

Choose the “make changes” option under “Title” to begin making changes to your Title Page. All of the below Title Page options may be found on this page in the order they are presented here. Please be certain to click the “Save Settings, Let’s Go On!” button at the bottom of the screen to assure that your changes are saved in our system.

Change the Title:

Your current title will appear in a text box at the top of the page. To change your title, edit the title as it appears in this text box. “In Celebration Of ….” will automatically be added to the beginning of all titles.

Enter a Date:

Entering a date is optional for the Title Page, but should you choose to have one, our pull-down menu makes it easy to select. Any selected date will appear under your title.

Upload a Graphic:

You may upload one picture or graphic to the center of your Title Page. First, click “Browse…” and choose a file, then click “Upload Graphic.” Instructions appear on the make changes screen for Title Pages to help you during the process.

Hints for Uploading Graphics:

If you are scanning a photo/graphic or taking a picture using a digital camera, choose a low resolution (72 dpi) to decrease file size. A larger size file will take longer to upload. Do not compress your photo in using a program such as WinZIP or Stuffit in an attempt to reduce the file size. We accept GIF (.gif) and JPEG (.jpg) formats only.

Remove a Date and/or Graphic:

Once a date or graphic has been added to your Title Page, the option to delete it will appear. Select the deletion box and save your settings.


Page Headings:

General Information:

Each occasion has suggested headings associated with it. Headings are designed to help prompt your invited guests to make comments. Although you are welcome to edit or create headings, please make certain that your preferred headings are in place previous to inviting guests to comment. Your guests will always have the option of commenting on a page with no headings.

Initially, your page headings will also affect the number of pages in your gift book. Before guests have commented, each heading represents one page. Therefore, each heading added or deleted from your book will affect the number of pages accordingly. Please remember, headings should only be changed previous to inviting guests to comment.

Changes to your page headings can be made by clicking the “make changes” button under “Add or Delete Pages” for those creating a new gift book or “Page Headings” for users with books which have already been saved.

After you have completed selecting your page headings, please remember to click the “Save Settings, Let’s Go On!” button to save your settings.

Change your Headings:

The headings currently included in your gift book appear at the bottom of the page, alternate suggestions appear at the top. Clicking on a heading from either your current headings or other suggested headings will select it into the text box at the center of the page. From there, you may edit, delete, or click the “Add to List” button to make active. You may use this box as well to create new headings from scratch. Enter your newly created heading into the text box and click the “Add to List” button, just as you would if you were editing one of our suggested headings.

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